Singing Guide: Wake Up and Dream

Singing Guide: Wake Up and Dream

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you’re looking to learn to sing in the style of Cole Porter's Wake Up and Dream, you’re in luck!

Porter was a master of a sophisticated style of American popular song, with sharp and witty lyrics, catchy melodies, and a very specific vocal delivery style. Here are some tips and resources to help you learn how to sing in his style.

Vocal Technique

Timing and Phrasing

Porter’s songs have a very specific sense of timing and phrasing. He often uses irregular phrase lengths and syncopated rhythms, which can make his songs tricky to sing. To master this style, try listening carefully to how Porter sings his own tunes. Pay attention to his timing and the way he delivers his lyrics. Practice singing along to some of his recordings to internalize these rhythms.


Porter’s lyrics are clever and witty, and his delivery is a crucial part of making them work. He has a very specific way of articulating his words, which helps to bring out the humor and cleverness of his lyrics. To emulate this style, try listening carefully to how he accents certain syllables and how he shapes his phrases. Try practicing your own singing with an emphasis on these elements.


Porter’s songs often span a wide range, with some very high notes and some very low notes. To prepare your voice for this range, make sure you’re practicing your scales and working to extend your range over time. It’s important to stay relaxed and avoid pushing your voice too hard, particularly on the high notes.

Songs to Learn

Wake Up and Dream

This titular song from the musical Wake Up and Dream is a classic example of Porter’s catchy melodies and clever lyrics. It’s a fun and upbeat tune that will challenge you to put your articulation and phrasing skills into practice.

Night and Day

Night and Day is one of Porter’s most famous songs, with a soaring melody that demands a strong and confident singing style. The song is often performed as a ballad, showcasing the singer’s range and control.

I Get a Kick Out of You

This song from the musical Anything Goes is a classic Porter tune, with a memorable melody and clever lyrics. It’s a great example of Porter’s unique sense of timing and phrasing, and the song’s quick changes in tempo provide a fun challenge for singers.

Singing Resources

Singing Carrots is a great resource for singers looking to learn the style of Cole Porter. Here are some specific tools and articles that you might find helpful:

Sing along with recordings of Cole Porter's songs and use the resources on Singing Carrots to improve your vocal technique and master this style. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.